Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Not engaged, not even a little: part 1

Well, here I am... midnight, writing a blog (my first ever). I guess it would all make sense with a little back story, so here goes:

See I grew up in a small town in Indiana, everyone I know is married with at least 2 kids. Since I was 18 people have asked, "so when are you and _______ settling down?" I shrugged it off the first few years, but when I graduated college unengaged, I began to think something had horribly went wrong.

Next, I decided to move to Chicago, there I hoped I would be successful and have a life comparable to Sex in the City. I met, lets call him, Guy, about 3 years ago at work. He was different from anyone I had dated before. The first few months were a whirlwind. We moved in together after only 5 months. I thought I would get engaged that summer... I was wrong. The next summer, still wrong. This summer, no luck yet, but I was really hoping.

So about a year and a half ago, Guy's sister met a man. Nice guy on all accounts, kinda well 8 years older than her but hey, love is love. She got engaged to him yesterday. I know I should be happy for them but, lets be honest here, it is a blog after all: She has never given a damn about being engaged, ever. It is on the other hand, all have thought about for the past year.

She is younger than me, by two years. She has dated her fiancee for half the time as me and Guy. She works an easy job, skinny, if you met this girl, one word would come to mind: lucky. I tried for about 6 hours today to be happy for them. It didn't really work, I am a horrible liar, especially to myself.

Now for all accounts, I am 5'10, blond, have a real career and really shouldn't be comparing left hand ring fingers with every women out there but, I do. Lately (the past 8 hours), I have even caught myself wondering if this is a sign... should I just get out while the gettin's good?

Now here is the reason, at least the subject of the summer: Family reunion for his side in two weeks. Guess what? I am going to be the girl friend of the older brother of three years! I am sure everyone will ask when we are getting married, but hey, we are not engaged, not even a little.